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our story

The In Our Names Network is a national network of organizations, campaigns, and individuals dedicated to ending police violence against Black women, girls, trans, and gender-nonconforming people. Formed in 2016 during a Network Gathering at the Allied Media Conference, we have since expanded our efforts to create, gather, and share resources and calls to action for individuals, families, and communities. We support those responding to and demanding justice in cases of police violence and work tirelessly to build safe, nurturing, and just communities. Our initiatives include advocating for systemic change, developing community-based response systems, and uplifting the leadership of Black feminists, queer, and trans activists.

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As we have continued to uplift and demand justice in individual instances of police violence against Black women, girls, trans and gender nonconforming people, the need to create alternate visions and structures of safety premised on community care, survivor-centered leadership, rapid response and accountability beyond police has become more and more apparent. We can no longer solely pursue visibility of our experiences of policing, reforms that fail to reduce the role of police in the lives of Black women, trans and GNC people, or strategies that seek justice and accountability from systems explicitly created to police, regulate, control and punish our bodies and restrict our autonomy and self-determination. At the same time, we need to continue to document the ways in which our bodies are violated by police in order to demand justice for our sisters and siblings and to make the case for removing police from our schools, institutions, and communities and building alternatives that will genuinely produce safety for all of us.



Building Safety for Black Transwomen and Gender Nonconforming People:

Ensuring the safety and leadership of Black trans women and GNC people are woven into every step of our network strategy, from membership training to resource creation and sharing, and allocating resources to support their healing spaces.

Halting The Eviction Crisis and Police Encounters at Home: A Queer Black Feminist Strategy for Safe Alternatives: Addressing police terrorism on Black women, girls, trans, and GNC people's housing insecurities and creating large-scale safe alternatives.

The Black Feminist Vision to End The War on Drugs:

Building a Black feminist Care Network to protect Black women, girls, trans, and GNC people who are drug users from police-sanctioned violence.

Safety Over Commerce: Ending the Shoplifting Copaganda:

Utilizing our research report findings and recommendations to make a toolkit for community understanding and intervention against shoplifting-related police violence.



Movement Building Projects:

Police Violence Survivor Fund
Acts as a direct aid and mini-grant program for individuals targeted by racialized and gendered police violence and criminalization. It will directly support survivors of physical, sexual, economic, and fatal violence by police, as well as people subject to family policing and separation by providing them with tangible resources to heal and reroot their lives in safety.

Youth Teach-In Series for Sexualization Not Safety
This series aims to empower and amplify the voices and findings of the youth research team from our national storytelling project, providing a platform to explore findings and recommendations from the report "Safety Not Sexualization."

Safety for Black Transwomen and Gender Nonconforming People
Aligning with our Black feminist values and the growth of our political movement, we prioritize the safety and leadership of Black trans women in every network strategy aspect and allocate resources to ensure that Black trans women survivors of police violence are part of healing spaces.

















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In 2019, our founding and new network members at the time reconvened at the historic Highlander Center in Tennessee to assess our progress and strategize for the future. This gathering reinforced our commitment to creating alternate visions and structures of safety premised on community care, rapid response and support for Black women, girls, queer and trans people that were survivors of police violence. Since then, our focus has sharpened to include rapid response for incidents of police violence, establishing a fund to support survivors of police violence, and expanding our networked campaigns. We are also committed to building healing portals that connect survivors to resources for healing, restoration, and safety planning.

Through these collaborative projects and networked campaigns, In Our Names network continues to engage in visionary organizing aimed at dismantling systems of policing as they operate on Black women, trans and gender nonconforming people's bodies and life chances, and build new ways of preventing, interrupting, and ending gender-based violence so that all Black women, girls, trans, and gender nonconforming people can not only survive but thrive free from all forms of violence.


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This report is a reflection of one-on-one conversations hosted by Network Coordinator Lauren Williams-Batiste with In Our Names network partners between January and March 2021 to assess our work to date and inform our structure and campaigns going forward. Each meeting captured valuable reflections and insights into each member’s vision for the direction of the network moving into 2021 and beyond. Each network member brings significant value and impact to our collective work. We are grateful to everyone who took the time to speak with us about our past 5 years of work together, and to help us dream what the next 5 years might look like! The report is available in Spanish and English. 


"In Our Names" was birthed from a one-day Network Gathering being held on June 16th, 2016 at the Allied Media Conference at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. The Allied Media Conference (AMC) is an annual conference bringing together activists, organizers and media makers from across the country who are using media, including social media, video, art, radio, visual art, writing, and even games and dancing to inspire action for change. The AMC is intentionally youth and people of color driven, queer and trans affirming, and a safer and more accessible space.


The Say Her Name/Black Trans Lives Matter Network Gathering was organized by a loose network of individuals who have been engaged in work centering police violence against and criminalization of Black women – trans and not trans, queer and not queer – girls, and femmes. The gathering was not affiliated with any particular organization or formation laying claim to either of the hashtags referenced in the title, but rather brought together any and all folks across the country organizing in the spirit of both. Individuals on the planning team included survivors of police violence, family members of Black women killed by police, and people who are or have been part of organizations that have centered Black women, girls and femmes’ experiences of police violence, including INCITE!, Survived and Punished, Love and Protect, Black Feminist Futures, BYP100, Trans Oral History Project, Women with a Vision, and Black Women’s Blueprint. 


The Network Gathering was attended by Black women survivors of racial profiling and police violence, family members of Black women and girls killed by police, and folks organizing around police violence against Black women, girls and femmes in Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Columbus, South Carolina, Oakland, Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta, New Orleans, and more! During the Network Gathering participants looked at the movement history of police violence against Black women, girls, and fem(me)s and resistance, identified elements tying the work together beyond the hashtags, developed shared goals for increased visibility and action, and plotted strategies to strengthen relationships and responses to police violence. An important part of this conversation involved working to build bridges between Black trans women and non-trans women around shared and distinct experiences of racial profiling and police violence, charting a pathway to broader solidarity across gender identities and experiences.




Alisa Bierria 

Andrea Jenkins

Andrea Ritchie

Ashara Ekundayo

Bré Campbell

Deana Lewis

Deon Haywood

Desiree Evans

Eb. Brown

John Trimble 

LaLa Zannell

Maria Moore 
Monica Jones 
Naimah Johnson 

Paige Watkins

Paris Hatcher

Rachel Caïdor

Rachel Williams
Shana griffin

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