cop watch nola report
Arts &Media
Community Compilation on Police Abolition
Created for the opening of the Gone But Not Forgotten Quilt exhibit on October 17, ​​2016, this zine was created by Monica Trinidad and Sarah-Ji of For The People Artists Collective and Rachel Wallis, the artist and curator of GBNF Quilt Project. Their hope is that in the face of continued state violence that the quilt represents, that the zine would spark conversations and actions towards creating a world in which police are unnecessary.
Say What? Media Guide for talking about trans and gender nonconforming people, youth, and people in the sex trades respectfully
This Media Guide was created by FIERCE, Streetwise and Safe (SAS), and the Audre Lorde Project (ALP). We are all social justice Lesbian Gay Bi Two Spirit Trans Gender Non Conforming Queer People of Color led organizations based in New York City, housed in the Miss Major Jay Toole Building for Social Justice, and members of Communities United for Police Reform.
VIDEO: Taking Action for Dignity and Respect
Solutions Not Punishment led a successful action in 2015 after a trans man was pulled over by the East Point Police and harassed, threatened with a genital search to "determine" his gender, and wrongfully arrested because he was trans*. After a 2 hour rally and protest, SNaP Co received an official apology from the Mayor and Police Chief and a commitment from the city to implement new policies and provide training for all its employees that deal with the public.
VIDEO: We Are Rekia's Haven
This 2016 video from Project NIA illustrates some of the organizing and struggle to achieve some #Justice4Rekia, offered as documentation of ongoing struggle to Rekia’s family, friends and community with love and gratitude four years after Detective Dante Servin killed Rekia Boyd in North Lawndale.
A 'Zine: Featuring Writings, Art and Poetry about Police Violence Against Women and Trans People of Color
A 'Zine: Featuring Writings, Art and Poetry about Police Violence Against Women and Trans People of Color is a collection of statements, images, and analysis put out by Black women and women of color since the 2014 police shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson to raise visibility of women abused by police.

This report gathers publicly available data from multiple sources. Under the consent decree, NOPD’s Public Integrity Bureau (PIB) began publishing annual reports on misconduct allegations against NOPD officers in 2014.